About Us

We are a family of urban farmers located in Dartmouth, NS, with many decades of experience growing food and ornamental plants. We're not a big business, just a group of people who do this mostly for the love of plants. Our operation is small, but we aim to provide people with the best plants possible, pesticide-free, grown locally and never shipped in from out of province. We're passionate about helping people grow their own food in the city, to improve the resiliency and sustainability of our food systems, and to give people joy and pride at what they've grown.

Our family legacy of growing plants is a project spanning beyond one lifetime, with three different generations and two different branches of our extended family currently involved. By purchasing plants from us, you're helping to ensure that we can continue to pass on our knowledge.

Increasing knowledge and capacity for community seed saving is another one of our passions. Almost all of our varieties are open pollinated, which means that you can save their seeds and, as long as they haven't crossed with another variety in your garden, they will breed true the next year. We are firm believers that people should own and maintain seeds, not corporations.

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Working in the greenhouse

Working in the greenhouse, 2022